Nicole Brice
Jun 9, 2023
Everfelt's mix of genres and sounds will leave you wanting more
With so much music being produced these days, sometimes it’s difficult to stand out amongst the clutter. One band from Johnston City, Illinois, is defining who they are with a sound so unique, it can’t be compared, and that band is Everfelt. The band has many years of musical experience between them and they know what they want to accomplish and even have a plan as to how to do it. Since forming in 2022, the band is steadily gaining momentum on social media and these guys are building a platform to show the world their brand and style of music.

Drawing inspiration from many genres and artists, Everfelt’s music is characterized by its heavy guitars, emotional and powerful vocals, and introspective lyrics. With guitar solos emanating like straight southern sludge rock, the sound coming from these talented musicians is sure to resonate with many. One might even say they have created the perfect soundtrack for the apocalypse with hints of blues, metal, post-punk, goth, and psychedelia.
Everfelt isn’t afraid to be different, so if you are looking for a band with tunes that are both emotionally powerful and sonically heavy, these guys are for you. They are on the rise and are sure to grow in popularity in the years to come.
Everfelt is comprised of Adam Steglich on lead vocals, Corey Robinson on lead guitar, Jacob Crawford on rhythm guitar, Jason Hensgen on bass, and Stone on the kit.
Currently, the band is finalizing the tracks for their upcoming “Ascension” EP, which is scheduled for release later this summer. We had a few questions for the guys, so we sat down with them for a little Q & A, which you can dive into below. With plenty of music streaming on all platforms, we’re certain you’ll find something to pique your interest, so be sure to check them out.

MaM: Hey guys, thanks for chatting with me today. We really appreciate you. So, how did the name for the band come about?
Adam: Everfelt was created in memory of a friend of mine, whom I used to play music with, that passed away two years ago. He and I had a prior project called Angerfelt. [His] last name was Lingerfelt, and so that’s where Everfelt came from. I love the concept, too, of the music being forever felt in your mind and in your heart. That’s something you’ll remember no matter what. That was the original thought process behind Everfelt, but now it’s become something else between all of us. We want you to actually feel and experience the music.
Stone: One of the things that makes this band so successful, I think, is that each member … does what they do best, and we work very well together. We’re very open-minded with each other. We don’t hide or harbor any BS. We get it out in the open. We get it taken care of and we work together as a team, and this is the result of it.
MaM: With such a unique sound, as far as influences go, you are all over the board with STP, Zeppelin, etc., but who are your true inspirations as far as bands and musicians?
Corey: My guitar influences are David Gilmour from Pink Floyd, and I grew up listening to Slayer and Metallica—stuff like that. I started playing guitar in 1991 during the grunge era. I developed my own style by listening to everything that I liked.

MaM: So, you have more of the metal influence, then?
Corey: Yeah, but I listen to a good bit of blues and jazz, too, and I can honestly say I am just influenced by music in general—even hip-hop. Don’t get me wrong, though; I take some of their beats and ideas and throw it in music because I do have that respect for all genres of music.
MaM: I take it, then, you have music in your collection ranging from “awesome” to “please don’t judge me?”(laughs)
Corey: Yeah, I listen to a good bit of blues and solo stuff like Joe Bonamassa—every realm of music you could possibly think of.
Adam: For me, growing up, it was Layne Staley from Alice in Chains and Jonathan Davis from Korn. Even Ozzy and Black Sabbath were huge influences for me. Maynard, of course, too. Vedder was an influence, too.
MaM: Everyone wants to make fun of his vocals, but you couldn’t have had the 90s without Vedder, right?
Adam: Right! (laughs) When I listen to us and what we’ve been coming up with, there’s even a hint of Danzig influence, too, but I can’t really put my finger on any one band that we sound like. What’s coming together and being created is because of the recipe of the people involved. It’s creating a new sound you’ve never heard before, and that is Everfelt.
MaM: Your sound is very different, and I feel you are on to something with it. How did the band come together with the core grouping you have now?
Stone: Let’s go back to 2018. We had a cover band out of my studio here, the Man Cave, called the Los Hombres. We were a five-piece cover band. Jacob, our rhythm guitar player, was a part of that. He went on to play with Adam a good bit, and then COVID hit, so after COVID, I’m sitting here … and I’ve been on a solo drum mission for a few years. I’m a fan of Motorhead, 5 Finger Death Punch, Judas Priest, Nickelback—and all the haters can just hate, but ...

MaM: I was just about to say something about that. (laughs)
Stone: Hey, good music is good music. (laughs) So, I’m seeing Corey posting all these videos of himself playing with a blues track, ripping it up, and then I found out he was living close to me … four miles down the road … so I invited him to have coffee with me and …
Corey: After the phone call for the coffee, we started playing cover songs of Santana and stuff like that. [We were] trying to get that psychedelic feel and vibe and I was like, ‘Screw this shit.’ We were doing good, but I was like, ‘If I’m going to do my own music, then I’m going to do it right.’ I wanted people to know my music and the music we create, so I started writing rhythms, and Adam had an ad on Craig’s List, so we brought him in. The first jam was perfect. Jacob came in, too, and it was like magic. We then had a first bass player come in, but he didn’t want to show up for practice, so …
Jason: So, as the story goes along, I’m at home having a cup of coffee before work one day, and literally just a week before that, I had seen these guys on Facebook, and they were local guys, so I gave them a thumbs up. I listened to their jams and really liked it and thought it was fresh. A week later, I heard the hook of our song ‘Stranger’ in my head and [knew I had to] holler at these guys because their videos on FB at the time didn’t show a bass player in the lineup. I’m local, so, long story short, I hit them up and showed up to practice where we started jamming. Everyone in the band is easy to get along with and it all just came together. They appreciate good tones, and everything was meshing naturally and now here we are. It’s just a comfortable fit.

MaM: What inspires you to create, and what inspires the lyrics of your songs?
Corey: The main reason for me creating these songs is that it allows me to sleep better at night.
Adam: I completely concur with the sleeping better, but for me … the medium of art, whether it be writing or music or painting, helps me to fulfill my purpose here. Every single day we are practicing, not just at home, but everywhere. We are always focusing on the music. Giving back to the gift that has been given. This is a gift to us. [It’s] the energy and the opportunity to have a message and help people relate to us, not just to talk about their dark tunnel but also to talk about the light we have found.
Corey: I envisioned this for a long time in my conscious state and in my daydreams and throughout life. I already know it’s part of my destiny. That’s how I created these songs: from dreams I had. It seems I have done this in a past life.
Stone: This is blowing up bigger than we could have imagined.
Jacob: I just look at music in a different way than most. There are multiple factors, though. It all depends on my mood.
Jason: Music inspires me. Since I was young, I have always listened to rock. The basic rhythm of music … 1, 2, 3, 4 hand claps – stomp – sing – dance and 1, 2, 3, 4 two-steps. As simple and primal as that. The communication and synergy of multiple people doing it together, too, and then adding creativity to it as an expression is what I found works. It’s like magic. The music is invisible, but you can hear it and feel it. Being able to participate in a live band and being able to make live music with other guys is what it is for me.
MaM: So, you guys have a new album slated for release this summer. What direction are the songs taking?
Adam: We have 18 songs we are working on, but it’s going to be split into two albums with nine songs each on the albums. The first album is going to have some of our current releases. It is called ‘Ascension.’ We’ve seen an evolution with some songs that didn’t make the cut right now. We want every song to be a banger and we want you to be able to put the album on and just push play. Where we are right now, we are working on finishing all the pieces. It’s coming along.
MaM: You can’t rush progress!
Adam: It’s been a natural progression … allowing ourselves to become music. The music is not ours; we are the music. Each song has its own theme and its own way.

MaM: What would you say your mission as a band is?
Adam: We would like to be playing arenas and stadiums in the next two years. We’ll be together a year on August 14, so we think we can get there.
To experience Everfelt’s sound, be sure to hit one of the links below. The guys have some shows booked for this summer, so be sure to check out their social media to stay up to date on all live performances. You’re gonna want to go ahead and put this indie band on your radar now!
Eric Wilburn Corey Robinson Adam Steglich Jacob Crawford (@everfelt_band) on Instagram
Nicole Brice loves discovering new talent. Got something you’d like her to check out? Send her an e-mail at the_nicolebrice@mixedaltmag.com.